RealisticWorldGenerator [1.8.8 - 1.17.1]

Plugin RealisticWorldGenerator [1.8.8 - 1.17.1] 4.43.0

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Please report bugs, suggestions and similar requests not on our discord and use our Issue-Tracker on VoteFeatures instead.
All other support-request can be asked via our contact-options like discord, discussions or our dm's!

Please note that RWG will not work on any version beginning with 1.18 and above.
We are working on a rewrite of the whole plugin as the current structure of the plugin doesn't allow us to keep supporting 1.13 - 1.17.1 as well as 1.18+ due to changes to the Bukkit Api.
It also is not able to keep up with vanilla terrain generation in general and we will be addressing that in the rewrite as well.
This will not be the before planned v5 that many of our customers already know about but instead a less abstract direct implementation on the Bukkit Api which will support 1.17.1+ but nothing below because of the mentioned Bukkit Api changes.
We don't know if we will support versions below 1.17.1 or 1.13.0 in future again but we'll hope to get that working when the time comes.

If you want to run this plugin on 1.18 and above your only option is to generate a world with 1.17.1 and move it into the server. The plugin in general will not work on this versions. If you have questions about it, ask us via Discord before buying. We do not refund the software, when you bought it to use it on version 1.18 and above and it does not work because of this fact.




some of the screenshots are outdated, they will be replaced while we add new ones as well!
First release
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